Be afraid! Be very afraid!
Published on May 20, 2005 By Thomas Thomassen In Websites
Lord Vader has gotten online and read everyones brain!

(Summon a friend, and they will quite likely get greeted by Vader him self when they click the link emailed.)

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on May 22, 2005
After 30 questions (including 5 guesses) he never figured out where my Towel was... Thanks though, it was fun!! ;~D

One of the guesses was "is it sex"? Apparently to Darth The Dunce, Sex is something with 4 corners, can be found on a farm, isn't washed regularly, and is sometimes warm and even fuzzy. ;~D

Next try, he couldn't even get The Force to tell him I was thinking "The Force" ;~D
on May 22, 2005
One of the guesses was "is it sex"? Apparently to Darth The Dunce, Sex is something with 4 corners, can be found on a farm, isn't washed regularly, and is sometimes warm and even fuzzy. ;~D

he never figured out where my Towel was...

Did you think of a room then? Because he guesses only objects.
2 Pages1 2