This might interest the bootheads out there
Published on March 1, 2006 By Thomas Thomassen In OS Customization
Now, the real question is: will we be able to customize it?

I expect we'll have to look at Stardock for the answer of that question. Doubt MS will let us do that naively.

on Mar 01, 2006
will we be able to customize it?

Cool. Something else to tweak and play with. It would be interesting to see if it's something Stardock picks up on. Is there any info on the format used for the animation? Flash, wmv...etc?
on Mar 01, 2006
I doubt it will be Flash. Sortof doubt any video format as well. It's at the boot up sequence when the system is loading drivers and stuff. I suppose something like a strip of bitmaps like DesktopX do animation. Or perhaps it's a picture with a filter algorythm doing the animation. It' be easier to guess if we could see the animation in action.