New category at WC?
Published on January 17, 2007 By thomassen In OS Customization
I use ObjectEdit allot. For making websites to gadget scripting. I have played around with it allot to tweak it to fit my own preference. I've found that using a white on warm black with subtle colours is easier on my eyes. And of course using a shorter tab indent, like 4 spaces. And I have also rewritten quite a few of the syntax files as well to they include more keywords. And I've had to write syntax files for some languages that didn't come by default with OE.

I was wondering what your setup is?

Should we have a OE syntax gallery at WC?

I have uploaded my current set of syntax files for anyone interested.
Free Image Hosting at
on Jan 17, 2007
Very nice, and certainly worth sharing.
on Jan 17, 2007
I use OE every day. It's a part of me. If a computer doesnt have it, I just run it off my flash drive. I use it for a lot of web work, and text editing that doesnt need something fancy like Word.
on Jan 17, 2007
(Master Apprentice)PurrBall
January 17, 2007 19:19:37
I use OE every day. It's a part of me. If a computer doesnt have it, I just run it off my flash drive. I use it for a lot of web work, and text editing that doesnt need something fancy like Word.

Exactly what I was going to say.

Early on in my web developement, I got a copy of a php syn file that someone had on the newsgroups.  Since then, I've enhanced the colors, as well as variable highlighting.  In addition to all that, I've modded my CSS one as well, to include more keywords.  I love working with ObjectEdit, its a great little program.  I'd honestly like to see a couple more features added to it (*coughUTF8supportcough*), but as a basic text editor, its awesome!
on Jan 18, 2007
I was just wondering if anyone had done a synstyle for mirc sripting?
I'm gonna start trying to script some stuff and I think it would help me.
on Jan 18, 2007
I'll second the UTF8 support and add that a time/date stamp would also be greatly appreciated. I use Object Edit daily and it is one of my more important computing tools, thank-you Stardock!
on Jan 18, 2007
It's nice, but what I'd really like to see is Stardock really give ObjectEdit some up to date support. Whilst community creativity is the heart of WinCustomize, the fact remains that there is a base level of functionality that Stardock should be giving a product like OE - which in so many other ways is a very polished tool.

I love OE, but I don't want to spend ages messing around with the syn files when I'm coding in a widely recognised language. Out of the box I think it should certainly have up to date css syntax highlighting, as well as php support.

As it is, OE is only available (I believe) to Object Desktop subscribers. If they're going to make it part of a paying package, there is a level of quality I think we have a right to expect. Otherwise it should be a free download.

Don't get me wrong. I really like OE, but I think it's high time someone at Stardock gave it a bit of attention.
on Jan 18, 2007
A documentation of the .syn syntax feature would be nice. Currently the OE helpfiles looks more like spaceholders.
Think I mentioned this in another thread, but how about we start a thread where people post the different features they discovered in OE? And in that article we can link up to people's .syn files.
on Jan 18, 2007
I got a copy of a php syn file that someone had on the newsgroups.

Could you please send that to me?
on Jan 18, 2007

Don't get me wrong. I really like OE, but I think it's high time someone at Stardock gave it a bit of attention.
on Jan 18, 2007
Could you please send that to me?

There's one in the package I linked to. You might want to change the colours as I run a non-standard white on dark theme.
on Jan 18, 2007
Actually! I think I still have a black on white more conventional colour syntax for PHP backed up somewhere.
on Jan 18, 2007
I think the dark theme should be fine.
on Jan 19, 2007
One thing, to use the white on dark theme you got to set the background colour and text colour on OE. It's a bit awkward. I'll be submitting a support ticket on this. (I've been keeping them busy this week. )

Background colour: RGB 40,36,36
Text colour: white
on Jan 19, 2007
EDIT: nevermind, but shouldnt it say Change background instead of Change color?