I love it
Published on September 26, 2005 By Thomas Thomassen In Personal Computing
I don't really want too many toolbars in my browser. Don't want to clutter it up. However, I just installed Googles toolbar for Firefox yesterday and it's pretty neat. What really got me excited was the spell checking feature. I've just tried it posting another post and it works like a charm. Since I use google so much to search, and I search a lot, I think I actually will keep this toolbar.
on Sep 26, 2005
(link removed by Admin) have a look at this toolbar for firefox and ie which you can add or subtract features as you like.
So this of course is my personalised toolbar ,Make your own bar great tool for websites and you can even put your adsense though it as well.
on Sep 26, 2005
Please dont link to downloads directly. ESPECIALLY .exe files. Thank you!
on Sep 26, 2005
piers38  Your post has been edited to remove the links. Please do not link directly to exe files. Thanks.
on Sep 26, 2005
I don't know how your Firefox is, but mine already has Google.
on Sep 26, 2005
I already have the googlebar extension for Firefox http://googlebar.mozdev.org/
This new bar looks like an official Google release, which has been a long time coming, you ask me!

I haven't tried the new one yet. The Spell Check looks interesting, but otherwise googlebar appears to have more features.
on Sep 26, 2005
I don't know how your Firefox is, but mine already has Google.

Yea, Firefox got a searchbar set to google by default. But the toolbar adds a couple of features. All though, if the spellchecker where separate Id' prolly just install that one.
Mind you that I like that I also like Google Suggest is incorporated into it. (that can be downloaded as a separate extension)
on Sep 28, 2005
Oh look: There's a Google Toolbar ad on this page. How handy.
on Sep 28, 2005