Last night I went to bed after working on a report that is being handed in tomorrow. Since I had to do a couple of minor tweaks I left my document open so I could get started on it quickly when I got up the next morning. However, when I turned on my monitor this morning I found myself looking at the Windows Logon screen. Powercut I though and hoped I had saved the last changes I had done to the document. When I logon to Windows a little green shield icon appear in my system tray and a ballontooltip appear saying Windows installed an important security update that required an automatic restart. Since when did Windows start restarting itself without asking the user? It turns out that I did save my file before I went to bed, so nothing got lost. (It's becomming second nature for me to save often, that's why I don't allways remember whether I actuaully did it or not) But I'm still not that happy about Windows taking control like that. Last week I was doing some rendering that took up to 4 hours. What if it had done that then? I'd lost valueable time.
on Dec 16, 2005

Windows Update is pure evil

If you have it on auto-update and it downloads updates that require reboot but you leave your machine on, it reboots your machine automatically for "safety reasons".
(Hence why I've turned of auto-updating)

on Dec 16, 2005
But before it has nicely asked me to reboot. Mind you it kept aksin me every half an hour or so, but at least it asked before it did anything.
on Dec 16, 2005
True, but I think after a certain period of time (a long time mind you), it may get antsy and decide to reboot anyway. I've noticed similar instances myself, but was never 100% sure.
on Dec 16, 2005
Confirmed, if you choose the "restart later" option then the dialog pops up again a little later. If you ignore these dialogs or are afk then it reboots on it's own. Somewhat vexing. The previous sentence was editted for sweariness.
on Dec 16, 2005
There is an option SOMEWHERE to get it to stop asking you. I did it on my desktop but not my laptop and it keeps coming back, pretty sure it was part of the Automatic Updates section in the control panel.
on Dec 16, 2005
Yea, I changed the settings in the Security Cetner to download but explicitly ask me before installing. ...then ofcourse the automatic update item in the secuiry center turned yellow and started moaning to be that I should check my settings. ... *sigh* ... sometimes ...
on Dec 17, 2005
On the security center hit "change the way Security Center alerts me" under resources then unclick auto updates and the little yellow bugger will go away. No more auto updates for me. I've had too many strange things happen the day after updates. Nonfunctional ISP, programs hanging, half done downloads from MS, etc. I check the update site often enough and when I update manually I never have problems.
on Dec 17, 2005
Yea, I changed the settings in the Security Cetner to download but explicitly ask me before installing. ...then ofcourse the automatic update item in the secuiry center turned yellow and started moaning to be that I should check my settings. ... *sigh* ... sometimes ...

Go to Control Panel--> Security Center. Under Resources click 'Change the way Security Center alerts me'. Uncheck the one for the Automatic updates, then OK. That will stop the nag.