Last night I went to bed after working on a report that is being handed in tomorrow. Since I had to do a couple of minor tweaks I left my document open so I could get started on it quickly when I got up the next morning. However, when I turned on my monitor this morning I found myself looking at the Windows Logon screen. Powercut I though and hoped I had saved the last changes I had done to the document. When I logon to Windows a little green shield icon appear in my system tray and a ballontooltip appear saying Windows installed an important security update that required an automatic restart. Since when did Windows start restarting itself without asking the user? It turns out that I did save my file before I went to bed, so nothing got lost. (It's becomming second nature for me to save often, that's why I don't allways remember whether I actuaully did it or not) But I'm still not that happy about Windows taking control like that. Last week I was doing some rendering that took up to 4 hours. What if it had done that then? I'd lost valueable time.