This article talks about the changes that's under the hood.
IMO it's these changes that's the important part about Vista. It seem many people make up their mind of what they can see from the screenshots.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 03, 2006
agree with Starkers. The look of the Vista GUI is probably the least important thing to me. Once WB and the other OD programs are available for Vista, I'm sure most of us will drop the Aero default, and get into skins, which I'm sure will be kickass.

Yea, same here. Only thing. We haven't really heard anything about being able to skin the Aero mode. I know you can change colour tint and opacity. But nothing about changing the look of the UI it self like we do with Visual Styles (what will be Vista Express).
on Mar 03, 2006
I think Windowblinds is being redone to work and take advantage of what Vista offers, rather than just emulate it. At least I hope so.
on Mar 04, 2006
very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing...
on Mar 04, 2006
Nope still not interested, XP does a good enough job. For those who think Vista will be security paradise think again, while what has been done will/may close a lot of current holes do you really think people won't find new ones? Their are nerds out their who enjoy dong that kind of cr@p!

Microsoft said their would be a minor release between Whistler (XP) and Blackcomb which was codenamed Longhorn, it still seems like they are playing that business model.

If you work in an IT support role that interface is going to be a nightmare if you have customers who are not very computer literate (and don't put much effort in)
on Mar 04, 2006
For those who think Vista will be security paradise think again, while what has been done will/may close a lot of current holes do you really think people won't find new ones?

And there is an OS out there that hasn't got secotury holes?

Microsoft said their would be a minor release between Whistler (XP) and Blackcomb which was codenamed Longhorn, it still seems like they are playing that business model.

Windows Vista isn't going to be as big an update as Microsoft originally said. I was really disappointed to see WinFS go. But I do belive that the amount of features in Vista is enough to consider it. It is after all five years since XP and they have made a progress.
Mind you, I will probably only upgrade my main computer to Vista. There is a certain point to where it's feasible to upgrade.

f you work in an IT support role that interface is going to be a nightmare if you have customers who are not very computer literate (and don't put much effort in)

I'd say that the only OS's that has interfaces good enough for the major crowd is Windows and OSX.
on Mar 04, 2006
Why do people keep complaining about the IT support problems? It seems like such a minor problem. If people aren't computer literate in XP, they won't be in Vista. Vista won't make things better or worse for people who don't know what they're doing anyway.

Yeah, every OS has holes. But at least according to the article, Microsoft isolated parts of Vista so a virus or worm can't do as much damage. Yet.
on Mar 04, 2006 cant SEE what it offers apart from the graphical side...THE GRAPHICAL SIDE IS ALL YOU PHYSICALLY CAN SEE, what a silly it, read about the features instead of whinging (I didnt read the link I'm too lazy)
on Mar 05, 2006 cant SEE what it offers apart from the graphical side...THE GRAPHICAL SIDE IS ALL YOU PHYSICALLY CAN SEE, what a silly it, read about the features instead of whinging (I didnt read the link I'm too lazy)

If you had read the article or this post, you would have noticed it was about what Vista offers except it's graphical side.

If people aren't computer literate in XP, they won't be in Vista.

Not in any OS really. But best choice would be Windows or OSX.
on Mar 05, 2006
I think Windowblinds is being redone to work and take advantage of what Vista offers,

Brad has already stated that Stardock is working on the Vista/WB situation and there will be a compatible WB that ulilises the Vista features.
Being a MS partner, Stardock can access the Vista beta's and tech information and may already have some development under way.....but it's a fairly safe bet that Stardock will have a number of Vista ready programs for the release of Vista, if not shortly afterwards.

What beats me, though, is all the flaming and carboshing of Vista when it hasn't even been released....particularly when alot of it comes from some who haven't even tried out the beta releases.....and even then, the beta releases are no true indication of the final product.

No OS is ever going to be perfect, and there'll always be some dropkick trying to exploit vunerabilities, if and when they find them, but it would seem that MS has put a great deal more effort into securing Vista than any other OS it has released.

Quite frankly, I don't give a rat's who thought of this and that first, I'm impressed with what I've read and managed to learn about Vista so far, and I fully intend to try it out, regardless of half-assed 'opinions' emanating from those who flame for flaming sake. With the amount of time, money and effort that's gone into Vista, I can't see MS just putting it out there and not providing ongoing support for whatever vunerabilities are found, so yeah, I have confidence in it rather than doubts.
on Mar 05, 2006
Thanks Thomas. I never personally really thought Vista was just a new GUI. I knew of these features under the hood.

However, I am scared to see the price tag. I personally believe to get the best use out of Vista and my mobile devices I'd need the Ultimate Edition. I'd expect to see that (personally) to hit around the $500+ USD price range. Microsoft tends to shoot for an "All or nothing" concept. That has never went very well with me, that's the only reason I may not upgrade.

But, I did learn a lot more about Vista thanks to the link you posted and I appreciate you sharing it with us Thomas. If it's under $350 USD for the Ultimate, then I'll upgrade.
on Mar 06, 2006
Why do people keep complaining about the IT support problems? It seems like such a minor problem. If people aren't computer literate in XP, they won't be in Vista. Vista won't make things better or worse for people who don't know what they're doing anyway.

Not really what I'm saying. You write support documentation for dummies, click here, then here, then here (throw a screen shot in). Now along comes vista with a different interface! what do you do write two sets of documentation???
on Mar 06, 2006

However, I am scared to see the price tag. I personally believe to get the best use out of Vista and my mobile devices I'd need the Ultimate Edition. I'd expect to see that (personally) to hit around the $500+ USD price range. Microsoft tends to shoot for an "All or nothing" concept. That has never went very well with me, that's the only reason I may not upgrade.

I agree.  I want to recommend Vista for our small business, but we have many computers at a few locations, and the cost is going to be a factor.

on Mar 06, 2006
Not really what I'm saying. You write support documentation for dummies, click here, then here, then here (throw a screen shot in). Now along comes vista with a different interface! what do you do write two sets of documentation???

Ah, yes? Doesn't everyone do that already when something new comes out? I believe you shouldn't do something that you might be too lazy to redo or rewrite for a newer version. Your acting as if XP came out last week and Vista will be out in a few months. Get a grip dude.
on Mar 06, 2006
Isn't this the same situation with XP? In fact, when XP came out it was probably worse. Many people were still using Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000.

I don't think too many people are using 95 or 98 anymore, and people using ME probably aren't the most computer literate ones out there, or they wouldn't have ME on their computers at all. So assuming there are no problems with Vista, it should be pretty easy for most people to upgrade.
on Mar 07, 2006
Ah, yes? Doesn't everyone do that already when something new comes out?

NO you could give a novice instructions written for 95 that could very well be understood for XP, and definately 2000

I believe you shouldn't do something that you might be too lazy to redo or rewrite for a newer version.

I'm not talking about having to do re writes I'm talking about having two (2) sets of documentation. Or do you think it would be better to tell all my customs to upgrade to Vista and possibly require hardware updates in the process?

Your acting as if XP came out last week and Vista will be out in a few months.

And where am I saying this exactly???

BTW Now March Vista will be out by the end of the year, i.e. in a few months
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