This article talks about the changes that's under the hood.
IMO it's these changes that's the important part about Vista. It seem many people make up their mind of what they can see from the screenshots.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 01, 2006

Very interesting article.  Thanks for posting.

on Mar 01, 2006
yes, very informative. I really think Vista is going to be a success. It seems Microsoft is on the money here. Thanks for posting!
on Mar 01, 2006
Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen a thorough preview of Vista's features until now-- definitely worth reading...
on Mar 01, 2006
And they still credit Konfabulator with the concept of widgets...
on Mar 01, 2006
Funny how people will say product X stole a feature from product Y. If product X didn't implement the new hot feature from product Y they'd be going; "But they should have added feature [whatever] from product Y."
Imagine how horrible software would be if noone would implement features allready used in other software. People should just be happy they got more choices instead of bitching about who was first. I know Stardock was out first with widgets/gadget, all though they wheren't called that at that time, but that's just semantics. But in the end I really don't care who made it first. It's a really cool feature and I'm glad there are competitors.
on Mar 01, 2006
Well, it certainly looks good. But I'm not convinced I should upgrade right away, if at all. Since so much was changed, I bet there will be major compatability problems. And there wasn't much discussion in that article about the DRM and media restrictions. But I admit, from that article, it looks a lot better than what I thought it was.
on Mar 01, 2006
I'll be upgrading to Windows for Workgroups later this year
on Mar 01, 2006
Re: #5

If that happened, only Apple would be using a GUI. Then Apple would probably have a monopoly, and Microsoft would be the "holy savior" with Bill Gates as god.
on Mar 02, 2006

Interesting article though. Sounds intriguing.
on Mar 02, 2006
I've always appreciated a good 'view', so Vista has to be on my agenda with its more than attractive under the hood features/additions. The GUI is fairly irrelevant to me at the end of the day...the novelty will wear off quickly and I'll be installing my Stardock proggies, post haste. Doubt very much Vista's new look will last a week before I'm plastering my screen with skins from WC....such is my need for variety
on Mar 03, 2006
I'll be upgrading to Windows for Workgroups later this year

Wow, I am still using "Buttons for DOS 6.2", but I promise I'll upgrade next year

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Mar 03, 2006
Another article to check out........

"Why Windows Vista will suck" at downloadsquad
on Mar 03, 2006
It seemed to me that the guy in that article was moaning over the fact that features existing in OSX and Linux finally got implemented in Windows.
As for the steep hardware: why not utilize the power that exist? Where's the point of having it idle? And isn't Windows mostly distrubited through new PC's anyways?

And while me might sit with his Linux box and have every software he needs, there are people, like me who cant have every software I need on a Linux box. People have different needs. No OS fits everyone.

I just checked the comments for that article and it's being slaughtered:
on Mar 03, 2006
He never really disagreed with the ExtremeTech article. He just said Microsoft 'stole' the ideas from other software, or that Linux or OSX is better. Look to me like someone is trying to find any reason for Vista to not be too good. In fact, because an anti-Vista person couldn't come up with any actual criticism, I more impressed by it.

I think software should always use the most up to date hardware. Seems kind of silly for software to lag 6 or 9 months behind.

I agree with Starkers. The look of the Vista GUI is probably the least important thing to me. Once WB and the other OD programs are available for Vista, I'm sure most of us will drop the Aero default, and get into skins, which I'm sure will be kickass.

There aren't many programs I use that would work on Linux, so I have no use for it. And I simply don't like using Macs. I wish my school would put at least a couple PCs in the labs. Oh well.
on Mar 03, 2006
Well I am impressed. It seems that they are doing an almost complete overhaul on it and those ideas sound good to me. I am not too concerned about the idea of needing better hardware to use it, after all, the point of upgrading to a new OS would be to have better performance. You can't expect a VW to perform better simply because you put a corvette engine in it.

I plan on building a computer using some of the latest and best hardware out now or by the time Vista is out. I guess a new OS would be a good idea as well.
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