If there are arseholes out there attacking Microsoft's consumers/customers via attacking the product with virii, spyware, etc then MS has EVERY RIGHT to provide their clientelle with adequate protection via the inclusion of firewalls, AV proggies, etc.
If that puts third-party retailers' noses out of joint well tough luck. This is not an issue of 'Monopoly' at all.... but simply fault/failing correction of an otherwise fallible product.
Hole-plugging doesn't seem to be the total solution...as virii writers simply find 'other ways'...so the only solution [apart from product updates/revisions] is to have a proactive proggy sitting there on the lookout for new 'issues'.
If it were not called an 'AV proggy' but were seemlessly integrated within the OS Kernel would that make it less, or more heinous to these anti-MS/the-man whingers?...
Don't bother. It's just another anti-Microsoft thought.
Last I checked, SP1 and SP2 were/are free, as is each and every 'update' and/or system tweak to the OS. Also, the MS Antispyware cost THEM [MS] money....but as yet not so the consumer.
Too many people are too eager to jump on the MS-is-Evil bandwagon, probably because theirs is the system you all choose to use....
As for releasing bad product....perhaps it's time for all to read Nader's "Unsafe at any speed', or check the product recall notices in your version of 'Choice' Magazine.
Mercedes A160s that fail the 'Moose Test'.....cars that self-combust....Mistral Fans took out a fair few houses [and people]... Monitors that meltdown, also taking out the odd house or three....
THAT list is endless. [and horrendous].
I always like the simple wording.....things like...
The Product.... Honda CBR750 [example only]
The Problem.... The brakes may cease to function, causing a crash and/or injury.
The Remedy.... Do not ride. Contact...etc......