thomassen's Articles » Page 3
August 6, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I've been thinking quite a bit on the state of HTML the last couple of days and I've come to change some of my thinking. Anyone who's made a website that plays nice with the various browsers out there knows the messy state of HTML. It's for no reason that we got the term "tagsoup". Many webdevelopers have been crying to Microsoft begging them to update their render engine in Internet Explorer to conform with the W3C recommended standards. However, as we all are painfully aware of, no such th...
July 31, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
Yup! That's right! If you are a webdeveloper you'll be very interesting in one of the recent statements from the IE team. They are working to fully support CSS2 (and CSS2.1 when it's recommened). Additionally, they are fixing quite a few rendering bugs. They have spent alot of time identifying all the various bugs and quirks reported by the webdeveloper community and plans to fix at least the worst of them. (The ABBR tag will appear in IE7!) It's hard to belive that such a statement finally c...
July 5, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I use Firefox as my main browser and therefor set IE's startup to I was just about to check something in IE and just so happend to notice that the Windows Update screen had changed ever so slightly, and that the adressbar was v6 /default.aspx?ln=no I did a quick google to see if I could get any info of what's changed, but with no real luck. (So I suppose there wasn't much useful info her, but I'm one of them people who go "...
July 5, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
Slashdot featured an aritcle today about this guy who made a new cover for his iPod in wood. What's really impressive is that the thickness of the cover is 2mm. (In imperial measurement it is... erh... very very thin.) The article features some nice closeup pictures of the finished product as well as pictures and description of how he made it.
June 27, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
Hi. I plan to use DesktopX for my final major project. However I would like to hear from you lot out there of what you think of DesktopX's performance with different hardware. I'll be building a mini computer for the project and to save money, space and power I'd like to use the built-in graphicscard. The thing is that I haven't used a build-in graphicscard for ages. I've allways relied on separate cards from either ATI or nVidia. How is the general state of graphics card these days? If yo...
May 20, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
Lord Vader has gotten online and read everyones brain! (Summon a friend, and they will quite likely get greeted by Vader him self when they click the link emailed.)
May 15, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I came across this website today with an extensive collection of various graphical user interfaces from various Operating Systems dating back to the learly 80's. The site is very nicely organized, making it very easy to find spesific information about whatever system you are looking for. You can find anything from, startup screens to shutdown screens, even sounds can be sampled. If you are looking for good images to create nostalgic skins/themes, relive the old days or simply curious, this ...
April 25, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
He told me not to...
April 25, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I'm quite busy right now. so it'll just be copy and paste, but I thought this might interest some: (From SlashDot) Landreth writes "There is currently an ongoing petition taking place at OS2 World to get IBM to open source either the whole part or parts of OS/2 to the community. I would highly encourage the Linux community to take part of this open source petition as well due to the fact there are lots of interesting code base the they could benefit from. To sign the petition: http://www...
April 21, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I just started fooling around with a Console like widget for DesktopX and was looking for a font similar to the one in Windows' Console. The font Terminal is similar as it got them special symbols, but it doesn't look quite right, and it's limited in what size you can use. It skips from 9 to 12. I looked at some font sites for anything I might used, but with no good luck... Anyone around here got any good suggestions?
April 4, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
Paul Thurrott just published an article with information about Longhorn Server. All the features of the Longhorn client will of course be there, with the except of Aero, the new user interface. Some of the keywords of interest are application publishing, network quarantine, ISS 7.0, hot-patching and image-based setup and deployment tools. Whether it ships with WinFS or not is unconfirmed. It's current expected release date is early 2007.
February 19, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen
I'm doing BA (Hons) Modelmaking for Design and Media. We just got a project called "Villains lair". What it is, is that we have to take an existing hero and create a villain for him. I have desided that I'll go for "The Iron Giant". It's an animation film where everything is made the traditional way except the Iron Giant it self that is created digitally in 3D andrendered 2D. I'm going with the same approach for my robotic villain. However, I want to create a short 1-3 min animation to demostr...
December 22, 2004 by Thomas Thomassen
For those of you who's waiting for GTA San Andres to arrive on PC, you can meanwhile relive the old GTA 2 for free. RockStar just announced that they are making GTA2 availible for free download as they did with GTA. (The very first one). Both GTA and GTA2 has been optimized for current date computers, but there is no guarranty that they will work.) (P.S. If you are like me then you now have a PS2 and the single PS2 game you have is GTA SA.)
December 21, 2004 by Thomas Thomassen
I'm seeing that the wish for alpha transparent skinning is increasing. d3adz0mbie recently wrote an article where he pushes on for alpha transparency because it'd be an easy solution to get new quality skins. While I'd very much like to see alpha transparency into WB I am not sure it'll automatically boost the quality of skins. I'd think that most likely we'll see a large amount of OSX skins with that title bar finally transparent, and Longhorn skins with transparent frames. Then a few refur...